Confessions of a Business Owner

Penny Power - The accidental entrepreneur - overcoming adversity


Business is personal. A statement Penny makes because she has been an entrepreneur for over 25 years and knows what it really takes to find peace, happiness and success. In a world when so many are confused by who they are and how to combine that with what they do, allowing yourself to really understand yourself and join yourself up can make a vast difference. With so many people now facing financial adversity, how do you manage life when unexpected events happen, outside of your control and your dreams feel smashed?

Everything may seem amazing on the surface but when running a business, the reality is that there is pain, challenges, adversity and a loss of self-worth in her business journey.

In this webinar, Penny will talk about the importance of mental fitness, business skills and how to connect and build social capital.

By watching this previously recorded webinar you will learn:

  • The importance of purpose and staying aligned when things don't go to plan
  • How to respect yourself more
  • How to understand what you really want out of life
  • How to give permission to yourself to 'lead the life and business you truly want'

Penny Power

Penny Power has a glossy image, her family, an OBE and is the Founder of three businesses.

One business was global and recognised as the first Social Network for Business, pre-dating LinkedIn by 4 years. The second, a National Education Company that launched the UK's first Digital Marketing Apprenticeship that helped over 1,000 young unemployed people into their first jobs. Now building her third, taking the best from the experience of Ecademy and building 'small intimate groups' to build the confidence, self-worth and skills of business owners.

Happily married with three children, it all looks so good… online. The reality is that there is pain, challenges, adversity and loss of self-worth in her business journey.

Does this reflect the world of masks that we all have?

Penny is real and honest about her journey and hopes to raise the happiness and emotional wealth of all those that read her book, join her communities or hear her speak.

© Tendo 2020